Rick's Journal

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Introducing the Speakers from my Summit on Nature Connection

Here are some of the things that people are saying about the Interviews:

"Thanks looking forward to listening Have learned so much so far. Priceless…."

"The whole summit has been amazing, thanks so much!!"

"I liked the part where he said: "Better hurry up before a bear eats me!!!" terrific interview, ordering his book!"

"WOW, what a powerful and inspiring voice for wilderness! Humans like Doug Peacock are truly a gift! Thanks for sharing! Great interview Ricardo Sierra!"

When Sean Rowe was talking about his favorite wild edibles, my 5 year old lassie piped in (she was listening too while we were making dinner) "Mom, my favorite wild edible is wild raspberries!" "

"There was a LOT I liked about today's interview, especially the 2nd half. I took about 2/3 of a page of notes -- and a friend called me tonight to say she had listened to it after I posted a link to it on my Facebook page."

"Curiosity, Compassion, and Community-- perfect. We need more of the three C's in our world."

"Your message of conservation is an important message that needs heard!!! I will always support the effort to make this world a better place."

"I listened to the Eugene Schwartz interview, now trying to catch up on the others that I've missed. Thanks, and keep up the GREAT WORK!"

Okay, here are the list of Speakers on my Wolverine Way Summit on Nature Connection:

John Griffith, of the California Conservation Corps

Derrick Jensen, author of Deep Green Resistance and A Language Older Than Words

Tom Elpel of Hops Press and Green University, LLC

Kristen Schulte of the Yellowstone Youth Conservation Corps

Sean Rowe, musician, singer songwriter and Anti-Records recording Artist with Magic, 27 and The Salesman & The Shark

Craig Blacklock, acclaimed landscape photographer at Blacklock Gallery

Joe Lau, former Tracker School Head Instructor and founder of the Phyre Dojo wilderness school

Cheryl Charles, director and co-founder of the Children & Nature Network

Brandt Morgan, author of Vision Walk and Sacred Journeys Guide

Charles Saylan, author of The Failure of Environmental Education and director of the Ocean Conservation Society

Mike Douglas, director of the Maine Primitive Skills School

Doug Peacock, naturalist & author of Grizzly Years and In the Shadow of the Sabertooth

Randall Lewis Eaton, author of Hunting as a Rite of Passage

Eugene Schwartz, Waldorf Educator and creator of Millenial Child

Kiva Rose, herbalist and creator of Plant Healer Magazine

 Tom Brown III, founder of the Primitive Arts Collective

Susun Weed, Herbalist, author and founder of the Wise Woman Way

Reese Maxwell, instructor and founder of Dancing Sol, and co-founder of the Whole Earth Nature School

Matthew Bradley, co-founder of the Whole Earth Nature School

Victor Wooten, five time Grammy Winning Recording Artist and author of The Music Lesson

Tom Brown, Jr., founder of the Tracker School and author of over 19 books on Survival, Tracking and Earth Philosophy

Ruth Ann Colby Martin, former Tracker School Instructor & Certified Midwife

Lisa Bonny Berry of Four Elements Earth Education

Wendolyn Bird of Tender Tracks Tails and Trails

Tony Deis, founder of the Trackers Earth Camp and Wilderness School,

Cristina Eisenberg, wildlife biologist and author of The Carnivore Way and The Wolf's Tooth

Laura Zerra, wilderness skills instructor and Reality Show participant on the Discovery Channel's Naked and Afraid

Richard Cleveland, founder of The Earth School

Erik Hoffner, eco-journalist & photographer and editor at Orion Magazine

Special thanks to all of these kind speakers who took time out of their work saving the world to speak to me, and to you, and share their thoughts and ideas and stories with us.

You are all amazing and wonderful!  Thank you!

And if you want to sign up and get access to them, check out The Wolverine Way website!

The Wolverine Way Summit on Nature Connection

It all started from something I saw on Facebook.   
It looked like just about any other of the hundreds of links and posts about nature that show up every day in my Newsfeed, and I almost skipped over it.   But I didn't.   I read it and then I checked it for sources.   It was legit.   (You can read the original article here.)

That's when I had a few sleepless nights.   

You see, the basis of this report is simple.  Only one out of five kids are getting a close relationship with nature.   A meaningful connection to the natural world.   A real understanding of the earth and the land.   One out of five, means four out of five kids are NOT getting a real chance to connect.   It means that 80% of our kids are functionally disconnected from nature.  They aren't getting the emotional, psychological and physical benefits from a strong connection to nature.   They don't get the stress cleansing power of a walk in the woods.  They don't get the creativity boosting energy from making a fort, or exploring a new section of the back field.   They don't get the problem solving insights that come naturally from playing and adventuring in the wild.

There is also the intimacy that nature offers to our kids, as their first real relationship beyond their family.   The nature around us provides a protective factor that enhances almost every part of our lives.

I knew I had to do something more to make a difference.  I knew I had to have a bigger impact.

So, for the past eight months, I have interviewed 29 different experts in various aspects of the Nature Education 'field' so to speak, for a Summit of Speakers on Nature Connection.  Activists.  Philosophers.  Writers.  Biologists.  Conservation Leaders.  Trackers.  Wilderness Survival Experts.   Educators.   Musicians.   Photographers.   Writers.   Community Organizers. Nature Advocates. Herbalists.  And more…

It's called The Wolverine Way.   I called it that because the wolverine is a powerful animal that is virtually unstoppable in it's ferocity to defend itself, or get what it needs.   It is fearless in the face of certain destruction.  It will use a tireless lope to travel miles of vertical ascents of rugged mountains and walls of ice.   It is impervious to cold, too!   I thought it would be a suitable totem animal to help me define my approach to getting us connected to nature!
It's totally free to sign up, and all of the interviews are online audios that can be downloaded, or listened to easily.   You can listen by phone for the first 'airing' too.   Just click the link in this post and you will go to my web page where you can sign up for instant access.

I purposely interviewed experts from a broad range of nature connection spectrum, to give us the widest view of our situation, and get tools and perspective from these amazing individuals who have graciously taken part in this project.   

The biggest effect that I got almost immediately was a sense of hope.  A sense of renewed strength and energy.   I feel totally different after putting this together, and I hope that anyone who gets a chance to listen can come away changed, renewed, stronger, smarter and better able to keep up the work of getting that 80% number a lot lower in the next few years!   We have our work cut out for us, but we can do it if we work together!

Anyway, I am really happy to be sharing this with everyone, and here is the link to sign up:   The Wolverine Way.

I will try to post more often and in the meantime, get outside!    Have a wonderful day, everyone!